The roundabout

Amidst the bustling of our nation’s fight against sparing petrol prices, interest rates and dreaded decline in the Rand value, change has come intermittently, unexpectedly to the forefront of both cerebellum and cerebrum, forcing synapse after synapse to register towards the winds of change. Undoubtedly like the masses, one has to conform, embrace the change upon us, be it difficult or easy. However, this moment seems like I was here before, a small figment emerging beyond the recesses of an opaque memory, hidden somewhere amongst the clutter of mundane everydayness. Dejavu. Two years ago, seems the very moment I find myself now, as if come full circle. I like to see life as an image of a roundabout, based on the predisposing principles of karma, what goes around comes around, however the convoluted thought that life does change and actions change courses of events and life paths, how come I find myself at the very center of an incident that occurred two years ago. According to my philanthropic friends and know it all personal Jiminy Cricket, it apparently my own fault. But how can my course of action lead me to a place I didn’t ever want to return to? Is it karma? I made choices to divert from the strange path I thought I was at. It cannot be one’s true own actions, surely it combines the efforts of others in one’s life to bring about this change. You can’t all at once blame one person, it’s collective, like a ripple, one leads to the other, the ever changing links on the hands of time.

Life is a roundabout, sometimes we come to a point twice or thrice in our lives because we never truly learnt life’s lesson. Somehow we are back to this point because something has got to give or someone has got to change. If all else fails, get your ticket to the roundabout and wait in line for your next spin at the same stop.


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